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网址  2019-04-10  作者:admin    阅读:

华尔街铜牛是美国华尔街的标志,是一座长5米,重6.3吨的铜牛塑像。2009年11月17日凌晨,为了庆祝中美建交30周年,在奥巴马访华期间,美国纽约著名的地标“华尔街铜牛”旁升起了中国国旗。这是中国国旗在华尔街铜牛前升起。 如今,华尔街铜牛已成为力量和勇气的象征,似乎只要铜牛在,股市就能永保“牛”市。过路人或游客都以摸下铜牛为福气,认为那样会给自己带来财运,牛鼻和牛角已经被磨出光泽了
Wall Street Copper Bull is the symbol of Wall Street in the United States. It is a statue of a 5-meter-long, 6.3-ton Copper Bull. In the early morning of November 17, 2009, in order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the Chinese flag was raised beside the famous landmark "Wall Street Copper Bull" in New York during Obama's visit to China. This is the Chinese flag rising in front of the Copper Bull on Wall Street. Today, Wall Street Copper Bull has become a symbol of strength and courage. It seems that as long as Copper Bull is present, the stock market will be able to maintain the "bull" market forever. Passers-by and tourists are blessed with touching the brass bull, believing that it will bring them fortune. The nose and horn of the Bull have been polished.
