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网址  2019-09-02  作者:admin    阅读:

华尔街,Wall Street, 在英文是“墙街”的意思。 它位于纽约市曼哈顿区的南部,原来是沿百老汇大街的一堵土墙,从东河(the East River)一直筑到哈德逊河(the Hudson River)。后沿墙形成了一条街,华尔街也就因而得名 。
Wall Street means "Wall Street" in English. Located in the south of Manhattan, New York City, it was originally a wall along Broadway from the East River to the Hudson River. A Street formed along the back wall, which gave Wall Street its name.
Later the wall was demolished, but the name "Wall Street" was retained. Despite this small street, which is no longer than a mile long and only 11 metres wide, the narrow street looks even darker under the cover of tall buildings on both sides. However, it is known as the "financial center of the United States" in the world.
