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网址  2022-09-21  作者:admin    阅读:

Tong Buffalo Fengshui role, let's talk about the placement of Tong Buffalo, Fengshui Buffalo's best for the north-northeast direction. Secondly, cattle should be placed according to their functions to boost official transportation. Business transportation can be placed in the office, on the bookshelf, or in the middle of the desk. If it is used to attract money, it can be placed at the entrance of the room. It is best for the door to the window. If it is used in the town, it can remedy the defect of the house and the corner of the house.
在家中摆放饰品用于催运,关键是要选择正泥杆 保定空压机 保定古筝 塑料增韧剂 拱形护坡模具 保定空调维修 托辊设备  托辊生产线确,还要注意位置的摆放。本期小编带来了铜牛的风水作用及摆放位置介绍,说了这么多,大家对此类风水摆件是不是又多了一点认识了,如果你要想要旺财生运,不妨也摆上一个铜牛来试试。
Place ornaments at home to urge transportation, the key is to choose the right location, but also pay attention to the placement. This edition has brought the introduction of Fengshui function and placement position of Tongniu. With so much said, we know a little more about this kind of Fengshui decoration. If you want to make a good fortune, you might as well put a Tongniu on it
